
Showing posts with the label failure

Learn-to-Fail, else Fail-to-Learn!

  In the world of relentless pursuit of success, a mantra often recited is "Failure is not an option" . This is invariably true in ‘business-as-usual’ context where the processes are established, and failures are unpardonable. But, in the context of ‘business-un-usual’ – in other words, innovation, another mantra is more relevant i.e. “Failures are the stepping stones to success” . There are enough examples to illustrate this. The most common one being “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work” by Thomas Edison. Often, failures teach us a lot more than success and need to be made a part of the learning process in the context of evolving an innovative solution. However, failures, even in the context of innovation, can be daunting to deal with unless these are supported by well-designed practices and principles e.g. Aligning the understanding of ‘failure’ All the relevant stakeholders need to have a common understanding of ‘failu