Innovation+ve Management


The Synergy of Innovation and Innovative Management

Innovation management and innovative management are pivotal to businesses aiming to navigate the complexities of the contemporary market and sustain a competitive edge.

This article delves into the essence of both concepts, underscoring their significance, methodologies, and impact on organisational success, while highlighting a nuanced difference in their approach to creativity and innovation mindset.


Understanding Innovation Management

Innovation management refers to the systematic process that organisations employ to manage their innovation procedures, from the inception of ideas to their final implementation.

It involves the decisions, activities, and practices for identifying, developing, and realising new products, processes, or ideas.

Central to innovation management is the assumption that creativity and an innovation mindset are innate traits; it focuses on harnessing these natural talents to generate value.

 This management style prioritises creating an environment that fosters creativity, facilitating the transformation of innovative ideas into marketable solutions.

It encompasses idea generation, evaluation, development, and implementation, requiring a structured approach that integrates strategic planning, project management, and performance analysis.


Innovative Management: Cultivating Creativity

In contrast, innovative management embodies a broader concept that embraces innovative practices in the management of an organisation.

Unlike innovation management, which presumes the innate nature of creativity and innovation, innovative management is based on the paradigm that it can be developed as a skill.

Innovative management is about leveraging the latest technologies, methodologies, and leadership practices to enhance efficiency, encourage a culture of continuous innovation, and drive business growth.

It includes fostering an open culture that encourages structured risk-taking, investing in employee development to nurture creativity and innovation skills, and adopting agile methodologies for flexibility and rapid adaptation to change.


The Intersection and Distinction

While innovation management focuses on managing specific innovation projects with an underlying assumption of inherent creativity, innovative management creates an organisational culture and environment that supports innovation through systematic development. This approach recognises that creativity and an innovation mindset can be cultivated through strategic practices.


Impact on Organisational Success

Organisations adept in innovation management and those that embrace innovative management practices gain a competitive advantage. They respond more effectively to market changes, anticipate customer needs, and introduce breakthrough products and services. Moreover, a strong focus on both innovation management and innovative management practices enhances an organisation's reputation, attracts top talent, and fosters a motivated workforce.



Innovation management and innovative management are crucial for any organisation aiming to stay ahead in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape.

By effectively managing innovation and embedding innovative practices into management strategies, companies can unlock their creative potential, drive sustainable growth, and maintain a competitive advantage.

As such, leaders must prioritise these approaches, fostering an environment where innovation thrives and ensuring management practices are equipped to nurture creativity and innovation mindset systematically.

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